Adoptions Counseling

Adoption is a journey.

A beautiful, sometimes grueling journey – for both parent and child. But it’s also a tremendous privilege to love a child – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

You feel it with every ounce of your heart.

Whether you were once adopted or are considering adoption for yourself, this is a safe space for you.

Come. Share your emotions in a compassionate environment. I’ll be there with you every step of the way.

How do I handle the growing pains?

Reality has set in. You knew this journey would have its ups and downs.

So many hurdles. So many questions.

If you’ve made the choice to adopt, how do you talk about the biological family in a safe and loving way?

How do you incorporate your child’s culture into your own?

How do you teach them to handle classmates or a nosy teacher who have found out about the adoption?

Together, we’ll work through all these challenges in a compassionate, safe environment.

It’s your journey, too.

You don’t have to have all the answers on your own.

You didn’t get a road map for how to live your best life. It’s completely normal to wonder why, what if, and what next.

You are unique. Your story. Your journey.

You need a tailored approach – not one-size-fits-all answers.

Let’s walk this road together.

Call me at (914) 713-553 to set up your free consultation today.